Lewis University | Civic Engagement | Democratic Engagement

Democratic Engagement

Civic Engagement

One mission of the Lewis University Committee for Civic Engagement is to encourage and promote the democratic engagement of all Lewis students, faculty and staff. Democratic engagement takes many forms, such as voting, serving as an election judge, and working for social change through contacting elected officials. This page provides resources to support political engagement at local, state and national levels. 




Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has distributed this teaching document on the political responsibility of Catholics. This statement presents guidance in the exercise of the rights and duties we have as participants in our democracy. 


Will County residents can become a Will County Election Judge and play an important role in the voting process. As a hands-on participant in democracy, you ensure that our Will County elections are administered fairly and in accordance with the law. Information and an application can be found here.

Benefits of Serving

  • Paid $90 per election and $60 for training when appointed
  • Earn additional pay for extra responsibilities
  • Involved in the election process
  • Resume builder

Possible Duties

  • Arrive at 5:00 AM to set up election equipment in Polling Place
  • Open Polling Place promptly at 6:00 AM
  • Responsible for the proper and lawful conduct of the election in the Polling Place
  • Ensure that every person qualified to vote is permitted to vote
  • Distribute ballots properly
  • Assist voters with disabilities
  • Close polls at 7:00 PM promptly following procedures
  • Return required election equipment at the end of Election Day

For more information, go to the Will County Clerk Election Judges webpage


Finding Your Elected Officials

Enter your address here to find out all of your elected officials and their contact information. Illinois Board of Elections: District/Official Search

Communicating with Elected Officials

  • Address the official by their title, such as a Senator or Governor.
  • State your position clearly and succinctly.  Be sure to specify what you want the official to do.  For example, “I am asking you to vote in favor/against _____.”  If you have reasons for your position, include them.  
  • Remind the official that you are a voter. If you are not already registered to vote, do so.
  • Be respectful but firm. Staff members easily disregard excessively angry calls and letters.  
  • Ask for a reply. Many offices will not respond to your concern if you do not specifically ask for one.  
  • Letters and emails should be professional. Bad grammar and misspellings will make you less persuasive. 
  • When you are done writing/calling the governor, your state representative, and your state senator, ask your family and friends to do the same.
  • Template: Writing to an elected official.

Civic Engagement
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